How-Tos Affiliate Marketing: A Monetization Model for All Podcasters Everything you need to get started with affiliate marketing.
Simplecast News Your Podcast's Transcripts, Now Easier To Access Than Ever It's easier than ever to bring transcripts to your listeners.
Events Lessons from Our YouTube Space Toronto Podcasting Panel We were happy to join forces once again with the YouTube Space team to present a panel in Toronto from some of the brightest stars in podcasting.
Podcast Help 4 Instagram Ad Pitfalls (and How Podcasters Can Avoid Them) Instagram to promote your podcast is like trying to paint a house with a vacuum–definitely not the right tool for the job. Right? Wrong!
Podcast Help What Can Podcast Ads Teach You About Starting Your Own Show? If you’ve started off advertising on podcasts, there are a few key takeaways you can bring to the research and development stage of your company’s efforts
What We Listened To What'd the Simplecast Team Listen to in June? As you might expect for people that work at a podcasting company, we listen to a lot of podcasts. Here are a few from June.
Podcast Help How to Build a Perfect Podcast Website With so many apps available for listening to our favorite podcasts, is creating a podcast website really worth it? For a few different reasons: yes.
Accessibility Three Ways to Make Your Podcast More Accessible One in four people has a disability, and the truth is, some of them might be having a tough time accessing your podcast.
Accessibility Because It’s Right: Taking Steps to a More Accessible Simplecast One of our core values is that our products and services should be available and accessible to everyone. Here’s what our roadmap looks like.
Accessibility Podcasting Should Be Accessible to Everyone–Why Isn’t It? If your product is not accessible, then that’s a lot of potential customers and listeners that you’re failing.
What We Listened To What The Simplecast Team Listened To Last Month As you might expect for people that work at a podcasting company, we listen to a lot of podcasts. Here are a few from April.
On Simplecast Spotlight On Simplecast Spotlight: Aliza Kelly, from Stars Like Us We love to highlight Simplecast members who are totally killing it. This week, we decided to ask Aliza Kelly a few questions to learn what she does #OnSimplecast.
New on Simplecast What's New #OnSimplecast–in April! We're excited to shout out some new shows using Simplecast. From world history and film to Instagram marketing–go give them a listen!
How-Tos Unconventional Ways To Grow your Podcasting Audience Let's talk about some outside-the-box solutions.
Platform Comparisons Podcast Hosting Reviews: Simplecast vs. For any podcast creator, an efficient and reliable hosting platform is key to producing a successful show and building a strong following.
Platform Comparisons Hosting Reviews: Simplecast vs. SoundCloud As a podcast creator, you're probably deep in the weeds of deciding what podcast host is right for you.
Platform Comparisons Podcast Hosting Reviews: Simplecast vs. Spreaker If you value analytics and support over live-streaming, Simplecast is the platform for you.
Platform Comparisons Podcast Hosting Reviews: Simplecast vs. Transistor The last thing you probably want to be doing is comparing hosting services–so we’ll get to the point.
Platform Comparisons Podcast Hosting Review: Simplecast vs Let’s talk about–it has a super interesting pricing structure that we haven’t really seen before. But is it right for you?
Platform Comparisons Podcast Hosting Reviews: Simplecast vs. Libsyn Let’s get down to business and give you the information you came here for: how Simplecast stacks up against Libsyn.
Platform Comparisons Podcast Hosting Reviews: Simplecast vs. Blubrry When reviewing Blubrry, cost was continually a huge factor in creator access.
Platform Comparisons Podcast Hosting Reviews: Simplecast vs. Megaphone Different platforms have different approaches to this. Not all are created equal, and not all are right for you!
Platform Comparisons Podcast Hosting Reviews: Simplecast vs. Anchor If you’re not paying for the product, you’re the product.