Our 2020 Podcasting Resolutions

Say what you want about New Year's, but it's a great time to make some promises to yourself about what the next 365 days will hold for you (and maybe your podcast, too!). We reached out to the Simplecast team + our community to see what everyone's podcasting resolutions are.

Sarah Frisk, Simplecast Senior Front-End Developer

My big podcasting resolution for 2020 is probably to listen to more! I have a big backlog in my podcast listening app I want to get through!  I like listening to podcasts while I draw, so I'm hoping to be able to fulfill that resolution by fulfilling my non-podcast resolution of drawing more.  If you have any good recommendations for art, fantasy, tabletop, or web development podcasts, ping me on Twitter (@SarahFrisk)! I would love to hear what everyone else is enjoying.

Chad Parizman, The Antigen

We launched 1 new podcast in 2019. Hoping to double that in 2020!

Jeanine Percival Wright, Simplecast COO and CLO

I used to be fluent in Spanish and, sadly, I've lost it over the years. I'd love to start listening to podcasts in Spanish at least 2X/week and re-learn the beautiful language. I'm also just really excited about the rapid expansion of podcasts in Latin America. I've heard wonderful things about Asi Como Suena!

Josh Stern, Healers on Healing

My resolution is to step up my game in audio sound next year!

John Andrew Dickinson, Mensch Schule!

My podcasting resolution:

"Anything worth doing is worth doing badly." - G. K. Chesterton

I.e. don‘t allow perfectionism to stop me from creating and posting content. Take the first 20 episodes or so to figure it out. Format. Technique. Schedule. Communication. Legal stuff. Etc.

Aaron Dowd, Simplecast Customer Success Lead

My podcasting resolution for 2020 is to continue to create weekly episodes for my new show, The Podcast News.

I love getting to share and talk about the best and most interesting news and tutorials related to podcasting each week, and I like that it forces me to pay close attention to the latest happenings in the industry and share my thoughts publicly on a weekly schedule.

Beyond that, I want to continue to be a helpful guide for people who want to learn more about podcasting, while making sure that I maintain a healthy balance between life and work.

Shawn Hopkins, Future Lens

Our resolution is to grow our first show, Future Lens, and secure a couple of sponsorship and partner deals, plus launch at least 3 more shows by end of the year.

Jeff Mann, Sleep Junkies

Keep on keeping on. We're still hardly making a dent in terms of downloads, but I'm not phased. I totally believe in the quality of the content, and we get great feedback from our audience. But not having huge PR/marketing budgets means our reach is quite small.

But, having built successful website, social media followers over the years, what life has taught me is that if you believe you're onto a good thing, just persevere–it's really that simple.